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New technology has made remote work possible for people all over the world. In fact, IWG found that 70% of professionals are working remotely at least one day each week. 

Remote work has a lot of advantages, but it does have some challenges as well. In this unit we're going to explore how you get the most from remote work and overcome the challenges you face. You'll learn:

  • The advantages of remote work
  • The challenges of remote work
  • 5 Practical tips to help you thrive!

  • 91% of remote workers report an improved work-life balance.
  • The average remote worker will save between one and two hours a day that they previously would have spent commuting.
  • Remote workers typically save money on everything from commuting to lunches.
  • Removing your commute is good for the environment!
  • According to one survey, 79% of employees report improved productivity. Another shows 66%.
  • Remote working is good for your health too, with less exposure to germs and more opportunity for healthy eating!

  • It can be hard to switch off properly at the end of the day when your workspace is also your home. 
  • Communicating with teammates when you're not face-to-face can be challenging.
  • Loneliness and isolation can be particularly hard for some remote workers.
  • Distractions can be even more tempting when you work remotely.

Treat your day like any other workday. Shower, get dressed, have breakfast. This helps you get in the right frame of mind to work. 

Once you’re ready, start by creating a schedule. It will help you plan your day to make sure you get the most from it.

Step 1: Create a list of everything you need to do. 

Step 2: Divide your day into equal blocks of time (e.g. half-hour chunks). 

Step 3: Plot your jobs onto your day. Place the jobs that need the most focus at the times of day you know work best.

Step 4: Make sure to include breaks and decide when your day will end. 

Step 5: Consider blocking in some offline time to help remove distractions when you need to focus.

Step 6: If your priorities change then make sure to update your schedule. 


Communication is the difference between remote work being filled with unknowns and it being a huge success. 

Step 1: Clarify expectations. You might find it helpful to have a conversation with your manager about how much communication they want from you and what details they’d like you to share.

Step 2: Embrace technology like Zoom, Skype, and other communication tools. Instant messaging is good, but some messages are best delivered face-to-face, even if it's facilitated by virtual conferencing.

Step 3: Regularly update stakeholders. If you’re working on a project, it is a good idea to make sure other project stakeholders know what’s going on. You could use project collaboration tools for this, send weekly emails or send updates at key milestones. 


If you want to fully switch-off then an end of day routine can be a big help. It will help you clear your mind which is important if you want to relax.  

Step 1: Review everything you achieved throughout your day.

Step 2: Make a list of any outstanding jobs.

Step 3: Put a plan in place for how you'll get those jobs finished. Make sure it's in tomorrow's to-do list if needed.

Step 4: Check your calendar to make sure you don't get surprised by any upcoming events!

Step 5: End your day by turning off your computer or closing your laptop.


Working from home can feel lonely. If you don't plan in time with friends, colleagues and family you might start to feel isolated. 

Here are some suggestions:

  • Book in more social events outside of work. 
  • Make time for phone calls with family and friends. 
  • During your workday, schedule calls with colleagues for an update and chat. 
  • Work in a cafe, or have a coffee with a friend over lunch.
  • Use video calls in place of phone calls. 

When you work remotely, distractions can become even more hard to resist.

Step 1: Have a designated workspace within your home. This is an area of your house you set apart for productivity and work. 

Step 2: Keep your workspace free of clutter. This will help you to focus.

Step 3: Set expectations with the people you live with. Let them know when you can and can't be disturbed.

Step 4: Book in regular breaks. This will help you to maintain focus.

Step 5: Consider downloading a distraction blocker if you often find yourself browsing unrelated websites. 

Step 6: If music helps you focus, play it in the background. On the other hand, if quiet helps you focus find somewhere to work that's low on noise.


Remote working has its challenges, just like working from an office. But if you apply these strategies, you’ll be working from home like the very best. You'll be able to squeeze the most from the advantages and minimise any disadvantages. 

The tips were:
Tip 1: Start Scheduling
Tip 2: Communication
Tip 3: End of Day Routines
Tip 4: Stay Social
Tip 5: Remove Distractions

